Family Engagement (Title I Information)
Family Engagement Liaison
Please take a look at the Parent Handbooks which contain all Title I Information for this school year. Title I information can also be found in our school's office and the Parent Resource Center. We value your feedback! To leave comments or questions, please click HERE!
Title I Documents & Links
- Copyright Piracy Awareness Notification (English)
- Copyright Piracy Awareness Notification (Spanish)
- Georgia Department of Education - Title I Website
- Houston County Family Engagement
- Houston County Federal Programs
- Houston County Resource Guide
- PBIS Information (English)
- PBIS Information (Spanish)
- Title I Handbook and Grade Level Compact Acknowledgement Form 2023-2024
School Events
- August 15th ESOL Parent Informational Meeting-Spanish speaking families 10:00-11:00 AM
- August 22nd Annual Title 1 Meeting 5;00PM
- August 22nd Open House 5:30-6:30PM
- September 10th Grandparent's Day Breakfast 9:30-10:30 AM
- September 26th Math Madness: First Grade 8:45-9:45 Second Grade 9:45-10:45 Kindergarten 1:00-2:00
- October 25th Costume Dance
- October 21-28th Book Fair
- October 28th-November 1st Red Ribbon Week Dress up Days
- October 30th Parent Action Team Meeting 10-10;30
- November 7th Campfire Tales
- November 14th 1st Grade Fall Concert
- November 21st Pre-k & Kinder Thanksgiving Lunch
- December 4th Technology & Testing Tidbits
- December 12th First and Second Grade Christmas Lunch
- December 17th D.E.A.R Day
2024-2025 Houston County School Calendar
Tips for Families
As a C.B. Watson parent, there are several things you can do to help your child be successful.
Be A VOLUNTEER - We welcome and encourage family involvement. There are many ways for families to give of their time and talents. Contact our Family Engagement Liaison for more information.
All volunteers working with students are required to have a background check on file with the Houston County School District and receive volunteer training at our school. Background checks are good for five years and are good at any school in the county. If you aren’t sure of your clearance status, our Family Engagement Coordinator will be happy to check for you. Background Check Applications are available in the front office.
Family Resource Center
C.B. Watson families are welcome to visit our Parent Resource Center in the front office of the school. You will find resources, pamphlets, and information to stay informed. The Resource Center is open during school hours from 8:30am - 4:00pm Monday-Friday.
We also encourage our families to check out of school Facebook page for Title I Information, school events and other announcements.
Video Resources
More About Title I
C.B. Watson Primary hosts activities throughout the year to build strong family engagement which supports a partnership among the school, families and the community to improve student academic achievement. We believe that family engagement is the participation of families in all areas of their children’s education and development, recognizing that families are the primary influence in their children’s lives. Check C.B. Watson's social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter), the school sign, newsletters and call-outs for the most current information on school events.
Family Action Team
We welcome your input, including comments and feedback, on our school and our programs at any time during the year. Please contact the Family Engagement Liaison to share your thoughts and ideas.
The Family Action Team is one way for families to give their input. We invite all families to be part of the team to share ideas and help build partnerships with school, families and the community. The team works with our staff to develop our yearly family activities and Title I documents such as the Family Engagement Plan and School-Parent Compact. We meet twice a year, but ideas and suggestions are always welcome. If you would like to learn more about this team, please contact the Family Engagement Liaison.